Posts Tagged ‘travel safety’


Traveling Tips and Travel Checklist, Solo Travel Safety Tips [Quick Travel Tips #37b]

Traveling alone can be scary and dangerous. Watch this week’s show “Solo Travel Safety Tips.” Learn ways to make you more comfortable and confident about your safety when you travel. I will give you ideas on how to safeguard you purse, money, avoid muggers and problem makers. Join Debbie Gerber today on Boomer & Senior Travel TV.

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Destinations for Couples, New York City Broadway, Subways & Safety [Boomer & Senior Travel TV #39]

If you are traveling to New York City or Manhattan this is the show to watch. Find out how to ride on the subway. Be money smart and get discount tickets to Broadway plays and eat the food that New York City it famous for.

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Travel Checklist, Bathroom Toilet Travel Tips; Quick Travel Tip #34b by Debbie Gerber

Stay healthy with bathroom travel tips and toilet sanitation. Here is another top travel tip from Boomer & Senior Travel TV and Debbie Gerber. In this video TV show information on using sanitizer, carrying toilet paper, taking toilet seat covers with you, having travel tissues and giving bathroom attendant tips are all part of being prepared for a successful vacation.

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Vacation Ideas for Couples, Obey the Signs; Quick Travel Tip #29b by Debbie Gerber

See what happens when you don’t obey the warning signs. Monkeys steal hats and bite people at Gibraltar. Travel Warning signs are there for tourists and travelers because bad things do happen when signs are not complied with. Boomer & Senior Travel TV Show is all about helping you have the best vacation possible.

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Calm in the Midst of Travel Confusion

If you ever get caught with a flight delay that causes you to miss a cruise or tour you know you have a problem. If the delay is due to weather or one of the other “outs” for the airline you are stuck with the expense, and I do mean expense when we are talking about buying a flight that day to catch up to your cruise or tour.

What if you get sick just before your trip or your spouse or traveling companion gets sick? With some of Travel Guard insurance plans you don’t need to choose to go by yourself or not go if you’re not well and still get your money back so that you can go later.

Travel insurance can save you hard earned money that you put toward a vacation. There are many things that can go wrong that having Travel Guard Insurance would put your mind and pocket book at ease.

Check out the different insurance options that they have. Not all companies cover these things but plans in Travel Guard do. Compare the different plans in Travel Guard and find the one that covers the things that you need.