Posts Tagged ‘travel safety’
Wear Your Seat Belt Road Trips
I believe in seat belts. It is a rule in my car that anyone that gets in has to wear their seat belt before the car moves. I know that seat belts can be annoying especially when you are on a long road trip. But it is worth it if you are ever in an accident and it’s the law.
Traveling Tips: Don’t Be A Victim
I was a victim in Rome of pick pocketing. They stole my wallet out of my purse when I fell asleep on a bus. I didn’t even know it until I was back at my hotel. They are very good. I have a video that I would love to share with anyone that would like to increase their personal travel safety. Especially if you are traveling alone. You can see it at:
Government Travel Warnings Boomer and Senior Travel [Boomer and Senior Travel TV #49]
A prepared Boomer or Senior traveler is a safer, healthier, more confident Traveler. Are you prepared. Everyone should pack a travel emergency disaster kit. Watch this travel disaster preparedness video for hints tips and information for being prepared for disasters, chaos, evacuations, and emergency especially when you are on vacation. Leave about the government S.T.E.P. program. Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.
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Travel Information for Boomer and Senior Travel [Boomer and Senior Travel TV #48]
There are specific problems for boomer and senior travelers. This episode solves some of the most common problems boomers and seniors face. With these hints and tips those travel problems can be avoided. Debbie introduces you to a government travel website that is your golden ticket to current official travel information for the destinations and countries that you have on your bucket list . She also introduces the upcoming series of episodes on what you need to know before buying a second home or vacation home. Watch this video web TV series hosted by Debbie Gerber is the new popular travel show for the boomer travel and senior vacationing crowd.
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Safety & Security Before You Travel for Best Couples Vacation [Quick Travel Tips #38b]
Before you leave on a vacation or trip there are a number of things you can do to increase your safety & security. Scatter Travel is here with Debbie Gerber showing you what you can do before you leave. Following these simple but necessary steps as you prepare to travel are some of the best travel advice you can get.
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