Essential to Your Travel the Lug Snuz Sac U Blanket + Pillow
The perfect complement to your carryon luggage is the Lug Snuz Sac U Blanket and Pillow. They come as a set. All packaged together for easy carrying. A neck pillow helps prevent both a stiff neck and embarrassment from the bobbing head syndrome. You can also use it for supporting you back and while you wait in the in the lounge. Everyone should get a Lug Snuz Sac U Blanket + Pillow (Grass).
The Lug Snuz Sac U Blanket + Pillow come in a variety of colors to match you mood, luggage or maybe just your favorite color.
5 More Must Have Travel Essentials
Last week I shared 5 must have travel accessory essentials that make your travel more comfortable and enjoyable. These are simple travel items that will help you avoid travel delays and travel frustrations. Here are 5 more travel accessories that are simple & inexpensive but you will find very valuable for your must have travel packing essentials.
1-Safety Pins:
- Temporarily repair clothing
- Pin a broken strap
- Never carry your wallet in your back pocket. If you do choose to carry a wallet be sure to put it in your front pocket and secure the pocket with a couple of safety pins. Prevent pickpocket
2- Skin Glue: Dermabond
- Close paper cuts
- Seal down hangnails
- Seal skin cracks
3- Duct tape:
- Prevent shoe blisters
- Bandage cuts
- Fix broken or ripped luggage
4- Night light:
- Plug in to navigate to the bathroom
- Find things without turning on the lights
- Small amount of light for those afraid of the dark
5- Portable electrical power strip & mini surge protector:
- Additional plug-ins in hotel
- Share plug-ins at conventions
- Share plug-ins at airport
- Protect electrical equipment