
Want to Offshore Catch? Private Fishing Charter!

Fishing not Catching?

When booking a fishing trip consider the difference between a private fishing charter and a shared fishing charter. The most significant difference is the fishing time guaranteed to each person.

Private Fishing Charter Pompano Beach Florida

I hear fisherman say; “There is a reason why it’s called fishing, and not catching!” Sometimes even the best fisherman spends a day fishing and still doesn’t catch anything.  That is still ok because they got to fish. There is just something about holding a fishing rod in your hand waiting for that tug on the line that keeps a fisherman at it for hours, whether they are catching or not.

On the other hand, imagine if you paid for a fishing trip and you never get to fish? That wouldn’t be fun. In fact, it would be very disappointing. Well, that happened to my husband & son last year.

My husband and son went on a shared fishing charter where each of the 6 people on the fishing boat paid 1/6th of the trip cost.

Once they were out on the ocean, they found out that they had to draw straws and that gave them the order that they would fish in. Once the first person caught a fish then the next person would get to fish. They went on a half day trip and neither of them got to fish.  Only the first and second person got to fish. The first and second person caught a big fish that took a long time to bring in so no one else had time to get their turn.

That is disappointing to those who don’t get a chance to fish even though they paid to fish and took their valueable time to go fishing. I have heard of a lot of people in this same situation.

Want a New Result…Make a Different Choice

This year we decided it would be worth the extra money to charter a private fishing charter trip. My son was here during one of the worst catching weeks of the year. But he loves to fish so we chartered the fishing trip anyway.

We found Captain Tom Hinterschied Fishing Charter on Trip Advisor. His contact was at fishandhuntflorida.com The captain was local and very knowledgeable. Both Father and Son got to fish the whole time.

The private fishing charter was a set price for up to 6 people. There was only the two of them but even if they had taken other family or friends to make up to 6 people, they would all have gotten to fish. We felt the price was budget friendly compared to others with the same size boat. Captain Tom shared his knowledge of fishing with them. They ended up catching kingfish.

So How Did it Go?

My son was so excited to have fished on the half day fishing trip where they got to fish and do some catching too. They were very happy with the high-quality live bait that he provided as well.

Meet Captain Tom

Private Fishing Charter with Captain Tom Hinterschied
Private Fishing Charter with Captain Tom Hinterschied

Great Day Sport Fishing with Private Fishing Charter
Captain Tom’s Private Fishing Charter

Some questions to ask before you charter

Is it a private fishing charter or shared charter? If the other people of the shared charter don’t show up do you have to make up the difference in price with the remaining people in the charter?

What is the best time of day to go fishing for the type of fish you want to target?

What type of fish have they been catching in the last few days?

Do they use live or dead bait? What type of bait do they use?

Where does the charter go out of? You don’t want to spend a lot of your time getting out to the ocean.

Are drinks & snacks included or do you bring your own?

What other things should you bring?

What ever type of fishing charter you choose I hope you are catching and not just fishing. Remember you can’t catch if you’re not fishing.


Hidden Ways for Educational Vacation

South Florida holds so many beautiful places to learn about nature on your educational vacation. One of those places to add to your Florida Vacation is the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center, in Boca Raton, FL.

Grandparents & Grandkids educational vacation to Gumbo Limbo Nature Center

Our grandchildren’s educational vacation where they learned about the nature on the Hammock Trail. The family took turns making video’s to share with their class/teachers when they got back home to school.

They were learning and practicing many skills at once. They learned about the plants, animals and bugs, videography, journalism, public speaking, cooperation, and had great family time. Education vacation travel is a great couple vacation or family vacation tradition.

When you travel don’t just run through a site or destination. Ask what to see and take time to really explore the travel destinations that you have chosen. When we asked the information desk what the best way to see thier nature center they gave us a trail guide and a seek and find game. The kids loved those. They also gave the kids a prize at the end of the seek & find mission.

Making the video’s made them not only look at the items on the Hammock Trail guide and game but they had to talk about them. They will now remember what they learned.

Video’s Made by Family of Hammack Trail

Family vacations are a great time for bonding and making memories. Most families have more than one phone or camera so they can make a plan and coordinate taking turns making videos and taking photos.

Have a blast traveling and learning. Education is more than sitting in a classroom or learning from a book. Make life long learning fun by getting out and experiencing nature.

Gumbo Limbo Nature Center

is in Boca Raton, Florida. It is a hidden gem for learning about and experiencing the nature of South Florida. Take your grandkids on an educational vacation.



Photograph New & Interesting Wildlife on Vacation

Play I-Spy on Vacation and Photograph New & Interesting Wildlife that You Find?

One of the things that we love to do is record & learn about the new wildlife that we see. Most of these are when we are on vacation.

Can you find the iguana hiding in this bush?

Photograph Iguana on Vacation

I remember the first time I saw an iguana. I thought they were so fun to watch. Then a friend of ours got one as a pet. He had it so tame it would ride on his shoulder. But of course he had obtained it as a baby.

I was so intrigued with it that I had to have one. We had two iguanas as pets. We had Iggy that lived 13 years and the Paco that lived for 10 year. I could never believe how they would show their personality and they let you know what they wanted.

Finding this iguana on our vacation isn’t new to us but iguanas will always be interesting to us. This one tried to hide camouflaged by the dark branches.

I remember the first time we saw one and fell in love. Our iguana had a short nose and was bright green. If I find my pictures of Iggy or Paco I will post them. It was back in the day that I only had a Commodore computer and no scanner.

A note of warning. A wild iguana can bite. We had one steal a sandwich out of our sons hand on a picnic at Tulum years ago. Iggy our iguana was territorial and got made at my husband for sleeping on the bed during the day. (His sleeping place during the day) and Grabbed onto his arm with his mouth. He didn’t let go. We had to pry his jaw open. He wasn’t hurt by my husband still has a scar. Iggy’s teeth were like razor blades. Always assume a wild animal is wild and unpredictable even when they appear docile or friendly.


Vacation Photograph Coati Mexico

This cute animal is called a Coati. I loved this guy. He had a tail like a monkey, paws & a mask like a raccoon & a nose like an ant eater. He was looking for food that had been left by vacationers. We was very agile. He climbed trees and ran along the walls. We had a good time watching him. He finally found some french fries & then got lucky with a rib bone. Both of which he guarded from the birds and quickly devoured.

We were careful to keep him away from our table where we ate. He was cute but wild animals are unpredictable and not worth taking a chance over.
Vacation Blue Haron Mexico photo






We saw a Mexico Blue Crane or Blue Heron on our walk along a rocky shore. There were also a pod of pelicans. A pod is what a group of pelicans are called. I just learned that. Another little fact for your next trivia game.

Vacation Pod of Pelicans Mexico

For more fun vacation ideas: http://www.boomerandseniortravel.tv


Huge Shrimp, Steamed Claims, Oysters on the Half Shell

Off the Las Vegas Strip Dining Huge Shrimp, Steamed Clams & Oysters

Sometimes getting off the strip in Las Vegas you find some true gems. This was one of those outings.

Shrimp cocktail Briggs Oyster Co.

We ate dinner at a fabulous restaurant; Briggs Oyster Co. at the Suncoast Hotel Casino in Las Vegas. I started with a Shrimp Cocktail. It had the biggest shrimp I have even eaten. Following that I had their clam chowder. It was thick and had a good amount of clams in it.  For the main course I had a Caesar shrimp salad. My mom had steamed clams, and a steak dinner.  Everything we had we loved.

We chose to eat at the bar as we could watch all the chefs cooking the meals. That alone was worth going. They had a bar of steaming/boiling pots that they cooked food in. We watched as they opened the oysters for oysters on the half shell. We also watched as they made the sushi rolls.

The service was outstanding. It was a fun night out with great food.



Grand Oasis Sens Resort Experience

Great Resort on the Cancun Hotel Zone: Grand Oasis Sens – My Experience

Grand Oasis Sens Resort Hotel photo

Here is the review I promised of the hotel we chose in Cancun Mexico.

It was just a short ride from the airport. That is one of the upsides of staying near Cancun is that if you don’t have a long ride from the airport.

When you stay in the Sian Ka’an category you are treated us as VIP’s.

If you have a problem with your room be sure to ask the concierge or front desk to help you. Be articulate and tell them what they need to do to make you satisfied. Mostly be patient.

This is a quiet romantic relaxed hotel.  It’s sister resort the Grand Oasis Cancun which was much louder, crowded & busy.

It is good to know what atmosphere your looking for when you book a hotel. This trip we wanted an adult only quieter resort and the Sens fit it nicely.

Booking the Sian Ka’an Category has many advantages:

The have larger room. I would request one with a plunge pool & deck.

That the specialty reserved restaurants were included if you were Sian Ka’an.

Reserved beach beds with drink & lunch service.

The “Foam Party.” is one of our favorite activities but they only do it on Saturday.

We loved the choices of restaurants all of which were excellent with so many menu choices we couldn’t try it all in a week. Don’t miss out on the Black Hole, Benazuza Specialty restaurants. We also loved the Maki Taco & Hippie Chic along with a lot more.

We loved this resort built on different levels with  lots of stairs, amazing food, fun activities, great beach, large clean rooms, and a relaxed atmosphere.

The beach was good and they had lots of beach chairs.

Grand Oasis Sens Beach & Chairs

There were so many restaurant choices, activities & shows. See my TripAdvisor review for all the details, reviews and tips.  My TripAdvisor Review