Posts Tagged ‘family vacation ideas’


Missing Chi Chi on Weekend Getaways

I love my little dog Chi Chi. She stayed with my mom whenever I travel or on a vacation. I miss her so much especially now that I am traveling again. Chi sits on my lap while I work in my office and she goes to work with me when I redo and work on the apartments. Can you see the paint on her ear. I am surprised by how many times I look for her when she isn’t here.


Take Your Journey Planner With You

Even though “The Little Mermaid” statue is small it has a giant history. Knowing the history behind the sites that you go to see on your vacation will make a huge difference as to how much you enjoy it. I use the Scatter Travel Journey Planner to research and take the info with me. The Little Mermaid came from the story written by Hans Christian Andersen in 1837. The little mermaid saved a shipwrecked prince and tried to win his love. After seeing the ballet of “The Little Mermaid” Carl Jacobsen a Danish brewer commissioned Edward Eriksen to make a statue of The Little Mermaid out of Bronze. The head of the statue was modeled after the dancer in the ballet Ellen Price and the body he modeled after his wife. Destruction and desecration have been the sad lot of “The Little Mermaid.” She has been painted red, being decapitated several times, and had her arm cut off. I am glad that they have continued to restore her.
When we were in Copenhagen she sat proudly on her rock while numerous tourists tried to get their picture with her. I think I heard that she is the most photographed woman in the world.


Family Vacation Ideas, How to Peel & Dice a Watermelon; Quick Travel Tip #33b by Debbie Gerber

Do you get intimidated when cutting up watermelon? There are many ways to cut a watermelon that will be enjoyable. In this video, I would like to share how to peel and cut watermelon the way I cut it. It’s fast, easy and it’s the least amount of mess I’ve seen. With a little knowledge the work can be done efficiently and delightfully.

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Weekend Getaways or Long Vacations?

I was recently asked this question and I thought of sharing it here in my blog…

Which is better: many short vacations or few long vacations?

That would depend on whether you want to go somewhere that takes a long time to get there or that would take a long time to go sightseeing around. Sometimes it is better to take a long trip so that you can have time to enjoy the trip not just spend days in transit. I like short trips for places that are close to travel to and that are basically weekend getaways. Personally I like a combination of both.


Packing Tips and Travel Packing List, Leaving Pets at Home; Boomer & Senior Travel TV #35 by Debbie Gerber

How does your pet react when you leave them? Here are some tips to help your pet adjust to your absence. Packing can be a stressful time for your pet as it is for my dog ChiChi. Boomer & Senior Travel TV and Debbie Gerber talk about leaving your pet at home while you travel.

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